Welcome to the AMEP Virtual Hub.
The Hub, previously known as the AMEP Assessment Task Bank (ATB), houses an online repository of resources which are available to practitioners in the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program and the Foundation Skills for Your Future (FSfYF) Program.
In addition to the training and assessment resources developed for AMEP providers, such as the ATB assessment tasks, the Hub also hosts other resources, including:
- Validated assessment tasks from the SEE Program Assessment Library (SPAL)
- Recordings of delivered workshops / training sessions
- Online EAL and settlement teaching resources
- Innovative teaching practices
- Good news stories
- International Teaching Resources

About LWA
Our vision/aim is
Promoting best practice in adult education
Delivering quality professional development and training
Providing guidelines and reference documents for effective program/training delivery
Providing comprehensive quality assurance services to adult LLND and EAL education programs
Ensuring currency in the English language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LLND) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) adult education field
Delivering quality interactive professional development webinars
Communicating effectively with practitioners
Working closely with industry management, employers, training providers, funding bodies and colleagues nationwide